Mulch Gives Arlington, VA Yards an Inexpensive Boost

July 14, 2014

Freshly Mulched Landscaping in Arlington, VAMulch in Arlington, VA, is one of the most effective and economical ways to increase the health and vitality of your landscape while giving your yard a polished look. With a wealth of positive effects, mulch is one of the best ways to nourish and protect your landscape investment.

An easily overlooked but vital soil amendment, mulch gives Arlington, VA, homeowners a simple way to revitalize their native topsoil. As mulch in Arlington, VA decomposes, it replaces essential nutrients, absorbs vital moisture, and restores a new vitality to your soil, gardens, flowers, shrubs and trees.

Mulch gives your yard a manicured finish while providing important insulation to shallow root systems and providing a resource for insects, birds, and micro-organisms. Applying a 2″-4″ layer of double shredded commercial grade hardwood mulch in Arlington, VA, twice a year conserves and enriches your soil, helping to minimize weed growth, harmful pests, and damaging plant diseases.

Most Arlington homeowners spend hundreds of dollars each year investing in their plants and outdoor landscape. Think of double shredded mulch as an inexpensive insurance policy for your beautiful landscaping. A little mulch gives Arlington, VA yards an inexpensive face-lift. And for the money, there really isn’t any other action you can take to provide such wide-ranging benefits for your Arlington yard.

When you need premium mulch to feed your gardens, flowers, shrubs and trees, find it locally at RSSY. Since 1971, the mulch and landscape experts at RSSY have advised homeowners, construction companies, landscape contractors and property managers about the benefits of proper mulch application. Let us help you feed your yard with commercial grade double shredded hardwood mulch. Your Arlington, VA landscaping will thank you.

Using Flagstone in Reston, VA – Professional Tips From RSSY

June 27, 2014

Flagstone Stairs at Reston, VA Home Flagstone in Reston, VA, is one of the finest materials available to create enduring patios. Flagstone is a durable and naturally slip-resistant, safer patio surface that lasts for years. Since it allows water to permeate instead of creating damaging runoff, flagstone in Reston, VA, is considered environmentally-beneficial and is highly desirable.

Flagstone patios also have a natural, organic quality in earthy shades of grays, blues, browns and reds. The most common types of flagstone in Reston, VA, used for paving and patios are sandstone, slate and limestone. The closer the quarry, the less you pay for shipping costs. So much of the flagstone in Reston, VA, is quarried in Virginia, Vermont, West Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania.

Flagstone patio prices also depend on the method of  installation. Mortaring flagstones on a concrete slab is more expensive than dry laying flagstones in Reston, VA, over a graded base of sand and gravel. Here are some additional tips about using flagstone in Reston, VA, from the landscape experts at RSSY:

  • Select flagstone by color and look for a wide variety of shapes and sizes
  • Curb costs by using flagstone in Reston, VA, in conjunction with alternate paving and landscape materials
  • See the wide RSSY selection of fill gravel for joints between flagstone in Reston, VA,
  • Include larger slabs of flagstone in Reston, VA, to create a unique walkwayFlagstone Steps with Stone Veneer
  • Ask the RSSY landscape professionals about dressing up mortared joints
  • Create patterns with a combination of irregular and cut flagstones for Reston, VA, outdoor patios and walkways with individual style
  • Grow grass or ground cover in the joints between flagstones
  • Save money by avoiding unnecessary cutting of flagstones in Reston, VA, when you design your outdoor flagstone landscape features
  • Create  naturalistic steps visually enhanced for safety
  • Creating contrast around your pool with flagstone in Reston, VA
  • Construct a permeable flagstone patio that permits rain water to safely re-enter the ground
  • Proper drainage design in the surrounding landscape ensures your flagstone patio in Reston, VA, has a smooth, safe, durable surface.

Flagstone Border for Paver Patio in Reston, VA

RSSY carries all of your landscape  materials, including an amazing selection of flagstone and natural stone, plus pavers from Belgard and Nicolock. Work with the landscape experts at RSSY and get personalized service and specific landscape recommendations for your projects.

No matter what ideas, needs or questions you have about using flagstone in Reston, VA, in your outdoor landscape design, the flagstone experts at RSSY will be your project advisor every step of the way.

Compost in Arlington, VA Adds Vital Soil Properties

June 16, 2014

Garden with RSSY Compost in Arlington VA

Compost in Arlington, VA is the most favored soil additive, especially prized by gardeners with high-yield vegetable and edible garden beds.

Any seasoned landscaper or gardener will tell you the quality of your compost in Arlington, VA is the number one predictor of a successful garden. Since this land has been worked, in one fashion or another, since before establishment of the American colonies, soil amendments such as dense, nutrient-packed compost in Arlington, VA are essential to restoring biological balance and promoting the vitality of your gardens, plants and trees.

While changing the native soil texture is challenging, you can improve soil structure – making dense clay more porous or loose sand more absorbent by adding those soil amendments that alter your particular soil in beneficial ways. A simple layer of RSSY compost blend adds a rich humus that enhances root development for greater plant production and crop yields while promoting essential microbial activity in your topsoil.

At RSSY we carry organic amendments including topsoil, double-shredded mulch, and premium compost for Arlington, VA homeowners, landscape contractors, and builders. Sold in convenient 1.5T Super Sacks or delivered in bulk by the cubic yard, our RSSY superior quality compost is the single best thing you can do to keep your gardens and edible plants healthy and beautiful in Arlington.


Mulch for Annandale, VA Healthy Landscapes

June 2, 2014

Mulch in Annandale, VA is an essential ingredient of your healthy  landscape. Since 1971 the mulch experts at RSSY have advised homeowners, construction companies, landscape contractors and property managers about the benefits of proper mulch application.

When you apply mulch in Annandale, VA it provides insulation and shade for delicate plant root systems, absorbs and stores water helping plants weather times of drought, aids in stormwater management and feeds your soil and vegetation with vital minerals and nutrients.

mulch and sky

Applying a 2” – 4” layer of RSSY double shredded commercial grade hardwood mulch or double shredded pine mulch will help to conserve and enrich your soil, protect plant roots, and retain beneficial moisture while controlling weed growth, pests, and plant diseases.

RSSY Double Shredded Commercial Grade Hardwood Mulch adds a clean, finished surface. Robust, dark and earthy, this mulch releases essential nutrients back to the soil to nourish and protect your landscape. Our RSSY Double Shredded Pine Mulch, with its dense, dark brown color and fresh pine scent, is popular with our clients. Light, stable, and non-colloidal, this mulch sticks to sloping banks and is ideal for shaded landscape beds.


Applied at the beginning of the spring growing season, mulch in Annandale, VA delivers immeasurable benefits to help your plant life thrive. This early application benefits your landscape by providing an insulated layer over the soil that retains heat during early spring cold nights. As the seasons progress mulch continues to regulate soil temperatures in extreme heat while preventing unwanted weeds and helping to manage stormwater runoff during intense storm events.

Dollar for dollar there is no other landscape raw material that delivers the bounty of benefits that you get when you apply mulch in Northern Virginia. See the landscape material experts at RSSY for all of your landscape materials to keep your landscape investment healthy and beautiful.

Topsoil for Sale for Manassas, VA Land Amendament

May 15, 2014

landscape-material-delivery-bag-1.5tonseed-sprout-424garden boxes

RSSY has premium topsoil for sale for Manassas, VA land amendment to enhance soil performance and promote healthy plant growth. And that, it turns out, is really important.

According to the World Wildlife Fund ( one half of the Earth’s topsoil has been lost in the last 150 years. The combined effects of water, wind, agriculture, land mining and the resulting erosion have left us with less viable land and resources for food, but have also polluted our streams and rivers with sediments and contaminants. The erosion also eats away at soil structure and vegetation, reduces vital soil salinity and bio-nutrients, and has a sobering effect on species survival.

Topsoil contains a ratio of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter depending on your particular soil. With precision science and soil technologies, the professionals at RSSY can help you determine exactly what mixture of organic matter, clay and silt components is needed for your optimum soil mix.  From our two convenient Lorton locations, the RSSY landscape team will answer all of your landscaping questions, provide the service you deserve, and offer landscape materials, such as mulch, compost, sand, gravel, and topsoil for sale.

Your Manassas, VA property will benefit in a variety of ways with a relatively minimal investment in a soil amendment. And while mulch and compost add their own benefits, only topsoil is topsoil. Your Manassas, VA landscape would become a desert without topsoil. As the WWF so poetically says,

“Soil is the earth’s fragile skin that anchors all life on Earth. It is comprised of countless species that create a dynamic and complex ecosystem and is among the most precious resources to humans.”

Get your local topsoil for sale in Manassas, VA for vital land amendment at RSSY. Our premium landscape materials, including topsoil for sale in bulk or by the convenient 1.5T bag, will give your soil an essential boost for better soil quality, drainage performance and enhanced plant health.

RSSY Premium Topsoil for Annandale VA Landscape Health

April 30, 2014

Topsoil in Annandale, VA

You can create a truly magnificent landscape with the help of soil amendments. With a supplement of sifted premium RSSY topsoil in Annandale, VA. With life-giving trace minerals and vital nutrients, our premium topsoil, highly concentrated with organic matter and beneficial microorganisms, gives your spring planting season a protective boost.

Topsoil is the upper layer of the Earth’s crust, typically the top 2 to 8 inches. It has the highest concentration of microorganisms and organic matter of any living environment on the planet.  Home to most of the soil’s biological activity, plants place their critical root systems here to obtain most of their water and nutrition. But native topsoil is vulnerable to increasing risk from careless land management practices and excessive erosion during extreme weather events associated with climate change. That’s why periodic amendments of compost, mulch and topsoil in Annandale, VA are so crucial for the healthy maintenance of your landscape investment.

Topsoil in Annandale, VA also aids in the development of soil properties such as moisture, bulk density,  organic matter, texture, water-holding capacity, absorption rates, and microbial biomass. For these and so many important reasons, spring is the time to feed your landscape with quality RSSY landscape materials.

At RSSY we carry sand,  mulch, gravel, stone, compost and topsoil for Annadale, VA land management concerns and landscape improvement projects.  Whenever possible, practices such as supplemental topsoil or organic amendments should be integrated into your seasonal care, especially if you have a heavy planting schedule. From ordinary fill dirt to premium topsoil, mulch and compost blends, we have exactly what your yard needs to thrive.

RSSY has a reputation for quality products, low prices, and fantastic service.  For the ultimate in landscape installation convenience we also offer both bulk delivery and 1.5T RSSY Super Sacks of Bulk Landscape Materials for home delivery.  Make quick work of your landscape care with our custom-blend materials and premium topsoil in Annandale, VA. RSSY provides the finishing touches for optimum plant health and your well-manicured Annandale landscape. Give us a call today.

Patio Stone for Manassas, VA Timeless Landscapes

April 15, 2014

Patio Stone in Manassas, VA

RSSY supplies a wide variety of patio stone for Manassas, VA landscape projects. Our products coordinate to meet all of your stone construction and landscaping needs. Carolina Rose Flagstone, Greenbriar Thick stacking stone, and timeless, elegant fieldstone are just a fraction of the stone we offer for patios, fireplaces, walkways, waterfalls, garden walls, or anything you can imagine.

Whether your landscape style is traditional, modern, or eclectic, it can reflect your personal flair. Patio stone in Manassas, VA with a simple fire pit, fireplace or water feature can provide a lasting focal point and gathering place for your outdoor living. Tailor your patio stone in Manassas, VA by including contrasting stone patterns and colors, matching walkways or a retaining wall with a seat cap for durable, permanent built-in seating convenience.

Our design expertise, attention to detail and exceptional client services are just a few of the many reasons Northern Virginia homeowners, contractors, and landscape professionals prefer doing business with RSSY.  We  tailor our design to fit your style and landscape, working with you to ensure that your project needs are meet and that you get the patio stone in Manassas, VA that fits your budget.

PA bluestone patio

Knowing the right materials and the perfect patio stone in Manassas, VA for your job is important. At RSSY we carefully hand pick each selection for your consideration.  Some of our many varieties include a selection of patio stone, Palomino flagstone, Fieldstone steppers and Maple Creek garden stone. Our products can be used for a number of practical enhancement purposes such as proper drainage and stormwater management, hard paving of pedestrian traffic ways including driveways, walkways, steps and landings, not to mention adding fabulous constructed features such as tiered terraces or a grand patio in Manassas, VA with durable stone steps, planters and garden walls, as well as fireplaces or fire pits.

civil-war bluestone wall-300x225Since the Civil War, blue stone walls are seen in a broken ribbon through the Northern Virginia countryside, a testament to the strength and longevity of a natural patio stone.  Manassas, VA homeowners and landscapers see the investment value of a well-designed and installed stone patio in a wider hardscape design. Contact the professionals at RSSY to explore your stone patio options, and bring long-lasting outdoor elegance to your home today.

Mulch in Alexandria, VA – Inexpensive Landscape Benefits

March 31, 2014

Mulch in Alexandria, VA

At this time of year an application of mulch in Alexandria, VA is a simple way to gain a range of inexpensive landscape benefits. Mulch is loaded with vital nutrients your yard needs to sustain fresh, healthy plants. Mulch in Alexandria, VA amends your soil with essential ingredients – vitamins and minerals your landscaping can’t get anywhere else. In this day and age, keeping your soil nourished with rich, loamy topsoil, organic compost and high quality mulch in Alexandria, VA is a minor investment in your  landscape with benefits for your soil, plants and trees.

Adding 2-4″ of high grade mulch in Alexandria, VA atop your existing plantings is a cost-effective method to encourage the health and well-being of your entire landscape. A blanket of fresh mulch in the spring acts as a spongy reservoir, absorbing and retaining water for slow release.  Mulch adds a critical layer in the stormwater filtration system and aids in resisting topsoil erosion.

Properly-placed mulch in Alexandria, VA helps your landscaping achieve a more effective performance, covering delicate plant root systems with a protective barrier against scorching sun, competitive weeds and environmental dangers such as insects, drought, or microscopic predators.

Mulch is an often overlooked but vital soil amendment any Alexandria homeowner can add to their existing topsoil. As mulch in Alexandria, VA decomposes it provides food, moisture and  bedding for insects, plants, and fungi – and restores vitality to the soil. After investing time and money in designing, planting and creating a beautiful, healthy landscape for your home,  regular mulch applications are essential to keeping it properly maintained and looking its best.

Bluestone from Lorton, VA Constructs Virginia History

March 17, 2014

Bluestone from Lorton, VA
Trinity Church, Upperville, VA c1895

Bluestone in Lorton, VA is an investment in landscape timelessness. Seen throughout country estates, atop age-old city sidewalks, and on many a classic patio, bluestone, routinely confused with slate, is quarried in the New York Catskills, Pennsylvania Poconos, and in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It can still be seen in Brooklyn’s brownstone neighborhoods,  sprinkled throughout the New York City boroughs, winding through the crisp countryside of New England and the Lehigh Valley, and down to the small colonial towns that dot Virginia’s horse country. Bluestone in Lorton, VA is a construction material that also tells history.

Bluestone from the Shenandoah Valley region, a sedimentary rock known as Shenandoah Valley Bluestone, is a limestone formed 450 to 500 million years ago at the bottom of a shallow ocean that covered what is now Rockingham County, Virginia. The darker blue color of Shenandoah Valley Bluestone is concentrated in one of the largest limestone deposits in the world. As bluestone weathers, it changes from a deep blue to a light grey after prolonged exposure to sun and water.

main bluestone stonewall JMU
Bluestone planter and building at JMU

The colonial settlers used it for the foundations and chimneys of their houses. When James Madison University was built, native bluestone was the natural choice to construct campus buildings. The Frazier Quarry in Harrisonburg, Virginia continues to supply JMU with locally quarried bluestone for building and paving projects today.

bluestone retaining wall shenandoah valley
Bluestone retaining wall, Shenandoah Valley

Bluestone in Lorton, VA, has long been popular for fireplaces and counter tops, graceful walkways and driveways, and elegant patios.  Renewed demand is for a wide variety of applications, some requiring varying sizes and pieces, with some slabs weighing upwards of a ton or more.  This bluestone revival has dovetailed nicely over the past twenty years with the upsurge in authentic historic renovation. If your home is sited in a historic district,  your local planning department or City Council are good sources for a list of  qualified contractors who do bluestone installation and construction work.

At RSSY we have the area’s largest quality selection of bluestone, rock and stone, quarried from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas. Plus, we deliver directly to your location. Whatever color, cut or quantity of stone you need – for any size job.  We’ve worked with native Virginia bluestone and other quarried bluestone in Lorton, VA since 1971, and can assist you in understanding its properties, calculating quantities, and engineering bluestone landscape features that will add elegant beauty and real value to your Lorton property. Call RSSY today – we deliver beyond your expectations.

Explore Natural Stone in Lorton, VA for Your Construction or Landscape Projects

February 28, 2014

Natural Stone in Lorton, VA

One of  mankind’s original building materials, natural stone in Lorton, VA still serves an amazing variety of practical uses in construction and landscaping in the modern age.

Rock, Stone and Sand Yard, Inc. has stocked over 50 different varieties of stone veneer products  and natural stone in Lorton, VA for nearly 50 years to meet all of your building and landscaping needs. Flagstone, stacking stone, and field stone for patios and fireplaces, walkways and steps, waterfalls, rock gardens and retaining walls – anything your imagination creates. Our incredible selection includes a variety of natural stone types, cuts, and colors for any landscape project you can envision, including:

  • large, decorative stoneecl retaining wall 6
  • decorative accent stone
  • flagstone and field stone
  • various wall stone
  • natural stone varieties in several different coordinating sizes, such as thick, thin and flats
  • garden rounds
  • stand ups or irregulars

So, whether you’re searching for  Black Regency Snapped stone, Desert Creek Flats, Greenbriar Tumble or Silver Mist Thick, find natural stone in Lorton, VA at RSSY for whatever your landscape or construction projects require.

With proper planning and design, you can add landscapeoutdoor fireplace 4 features such as patios, pathways, pool decks, driveways, retaining walls, curbs, and practical, low-maintenance entrances to your home. Visit RSSY soon to start planning your next landscape improvement project. Our trained, professional staff can assist you with product selection and quantity determinations.

Find the color, cut and quantity of natural stone in Lorton, VA you need – for any size job – at RSSY. We deliver beyond your expectations.
