The Magic of Stepping Stones in Lorton, VA

January 17, 2014

stepping stones through beach pebbles

Whether invisibly tethered across a babbling brook or dancing through a rocky field, stepping stones in Lorton, VA define our experience as much as they do a magical pathway or a special destination.

Raw landscaping materials from gravel to river rock, flagstone to concrete, make gorgeous and practical garden pathways to take you where you want to go across your landscape. The magic of stepping stones in Lorton, VA always beckons.

Imagine a meandering bed of Chesapeake Wash Gravel, topped by a chain of smooth chocolate-gray Maple Creek  round edge stepping  stones. Fantastic to the eye, fundamental to the natural filtration of rainwater, and a gorgeous accent to your well-appointed landscape.

Larger stepping stones can also blanket thick grass to pave a casual, comfortable walkway through your yard to the garage, patio, or pool. Plus, laying a walkway of high-caliber flagstone stepping-stones in Lorton, VA is a simple, upscale  DIY weekend project anyone can tackle.

Selecting a different type of stone can completely alter the look and feel of your walkways and  landscape. Irregular Flagstone sections are light-colored and large, very patio-like; while Mojave Flagstone is alive with orange and rust, splashing across the horizon. stepping stone flagstone garden path

More substantial stones, such as Midnight Blue Thick, Fieldstone Steppers, and Hoopers Creek Thick can cover a wide area, coordinate with thinner varieties within your landscape design, and span your entire property, acting as decorative accent, extraordinary functional elements, and a long-lasting landscape aesthetic for the ages.

Gravel, the trusted foundation to every landscape project ever undertaken, is an extremely versatile material available in plentiful colors and sizes.  Consider gravel and its silent companion, sand, to reduce water-dependent ground covers and lawns, improve rainwater filtration, and move toward a more sustainable landscape environment.

Stop by RSSY and discover everything you need to create all the magic of stepping stones in Lorton, VA.

Protect Your Landscape Investment and Dress Up Your Yard with Mulch in Reston, VA

December 30, 2013

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Buying local mulch in Reston, VA is a little like getting fresh ingredients in your diet. Instead of grabbing a box on a shelf in the freezer at a chain store, you seek out the best locally grown produce and foods with better value, taste, and nutrition. These are the natural, raw materials your body needs to keep you healthy and at your best.  Well, that’s what mulch is – a natural, raw material for your plants and landscape.

Think about it; would you spend thousands of dollars on a car and not change the oil? I didn’t think so. So, why would you invest money and time designing, planning and creating a uniquely beautiful landscape for your home and not keep it properly maintained?

Applying mulch to your flower and garden beds, around the base of trees, and in areas where pets and children play means protection and safety. There are other important reasons to “dress up” your yard with mulch in Reston, VA.

  • It’s healthier – packed with nutrients your plants need to thrive.
  • It helps your soil perform better – soaking in moisture and helping to naturally filter rainwater.
  • Mulch acts as an insulator,  blanketing topsoil with a protective barrier for winter warmth.
  • An application of mulch in Reston, VA can prevent soil erosion from water and wind.
  • Deteriorating  mulch provides food for insects, plants, and fungi – and restores vital trace minerals to the soil.

Any property can benefit from good quality mulch, so head over to RSSY in Lorton to get your local mulch today. We’ll help you protect your landscape investment and dress up your yard with mulch in Reston, VA.

Patio Pavers Springfield, VA

December 15, 2013

Hardscaping has to do with all the non-living design elements of a property. Use hardscape, such as patio pavers in Springfield, VA to improve any outdoor space. Primary functional uses include enhancing privacy, creating boundaries, leveling topography, providing a foundation for outdoor living, creating shelter and reducing yard maintenance.

Hardscaping also helps achieve a fluid transition from your home to the surrounding beauty of nature. Use natural stone, precast blocks, or interlocking patio pavers in Springfield, VA from Belgard, Techo-Bloc, Nicolock, and others, to transform your yard into a practical, even elegant, outdoor living sanctuary.

Once you analyze the habits and needs of your lifestyle, visit RSSY to start planning your hardscape today so you are ready to greet the spring. Patio pavers in Springfield, VA are a great way to improve the appearance and function of different spaces within your exterior landscape. Imagine your driveway, walkways, entryway, and outdoor recreational areas permanently manicured in a coordinated palette with your home architecture. The possibilities are only limited by your creative imagination.

Before installing patio pavers in Springfield, VA, you will examine the abundance of patio pavers. They vary in size, shape, color, texture, cost, and ease of installation. techniques for installing patio pavers of all types are quite similar. For dry-laid surfaces, that is those installed without mortar, the process involves installing a base of crushed stone and a setting bed of sand or stone dust. You may want to install your stone or brick pavers with mortar instead. First install a solid concrete slab, and fill in from there.

The beauty of precast patio pavers is they stand alone on a sand or gravel base without mortar. They are small enough to be  hand-set without special equipment. Some designs are even ideal for permeable paving that complies with zero-runoff building codes. Modern interlocking pavers are set in visually stunning patterns that many homeowners opt to install these over more traditional tile or stone.

Patio pavers in Springfield, VA are a much more affordable and sustainable choice for urban streets and residential yards. Contact RSSY to start planning your patio paver design for spring.
