Mulches, Soil, Compost, and Blends

April 4, 2024
RSSY has an amazing inventory of raw and organic materials for your landscape and building projects. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens. Call us today (703) 339-8095 for pricing and delivery schedules and visit our website for more information.

Discuss Your Mulch Application This Season with Our Staff

September 28, 2023

Your plants and trees can never have too much mulch, but generally a three-inch layer provides an effective and attractive covering. Mulch delivers all kinds of benefits, from helping to keep soil from drying out, to improving water penetration and air movement, to protecting plant roots and keeping weed growth at bay. Call (703) 339-8095 to discuss with our staff your mulch application. Take notice our website mulch photos and colors may vary, so we encourage you to visit the Yard to make your texture and color selection.

Mulch Delivery in Fairfax, VA

June 19, 2023

It is time to Mulch. Hot summer days are coming and your plants deserve at least a 6 inch layer of Mulch. Going to the big box stores to buy those heavy bags of mulch can do a number on your pocketbook.

Call RSSY today (703) 339-8095 and have your Mulch delivered to your home or business. We can deliver in bags or by the truck load – your choice! If you are going to pick up, use our Mulch Calculator to determine the amount of Mulch you need.

See you at the Rock Stone and Sand Yard RSSY.


Protect Your Plants With Mulch This Spring!

May 23, 2023

The days are getting hotter. Time to protect all the plants and bushes you planted this Spring. To protect plants from heat, you need to add mulch. A thick layer of mulch ( at least 4 to 6 inches ) helps insulate the plant’s roots from both heat and cold. It will also help keep the soil moist.

RSSY has an amazing inventory of mulch and raw and organic materials for your landscape and building projects. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens.

RSSY delivers mulch or stop by the Yard and fill up your truck or trailer. Please call (703) 339-8095 today or visit our website for mulch images.


Mulches, Soil, Compost, Blends Available for Your Spring Landscape

March 16, 2023

RSSY has an amazing inventory of raw and organic materials for your Spring landscape and building projects. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens. Stop by the Yard or call us (703) 339-8095 to speak to a sales representative about your landscaping requirements. You can pickup or we will deliver.

Fall Is The Time To Plant!

October 11, 2022
RSSY has an amazing inventory of raw and organic materials for your landscape ideas and to protect the plants you have now. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens. So call us today (703) 339-8095 for pricing or visit our website for more details. See you at the Yard!

Mulches, Soil, Compost, and Blends for Your Garden Beds

July 14, 2022
It is time to replenish your Mulch on your flower beds. Mulch keeps weeds at bay and protects your plants’ roots. It also shields the soil, keeping it moist and preventing it from washing away. A fresh layer of mulch can also unify and enhance the beauty of your flower beds.
RSSY has an amazing inventory of raw and organic materials for your landscape and building projects. We also offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening.
Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens. Call us today (703) 339-8095 or check out our website for more information.



Raw and Organic Materials for Your Landscape and Building Projects

March 23, 2022

Rock, Stone and Sand Yard serving Northern VA has an amazing inventory of raw and organic materials for your landscape and building projects. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth of all kinds including turf, flowers, trees, and vegetable gardens. Please call us today (703) 339-8095 for pricing. We offer pick-up and delivery.

Check Out Our Large Selection of Mulch This Spring!

April 26, 2021

Is it better to mulch in the Spring or the Fall?

RSSY says both. Don’t put mulch down too early in the Spring. Give the soil a chance to warm. Mulching too early will actually slow down the warming process. Normally, mid-to-late spring is the best time to put down mulch and that is RIGHT NOW!

Fall mulching works like Spring mulch to retain soil moisture, suppress weed growth and protect bare soil from erosion. Fall mulch insulates soil, providing a warmer environment for the soil-food web, including earthworms and microbes.

Stop by the yard and see our large selection of colored hardwood mulch, pine bark mulch and hardwood and biosolids blends. Call today (703) 339-8095 or visit our website.

Mulch This Spring Northern VA

Offering a Variety of Quality Topsoil, Mulch and Compost

March 8, 2021

Your Turf, Garden, Plants, Flowers, Flowering Trees and Shrubs need nutrients after this long Winter. We offer a variety of quality topsoil, mulch, compost, blends and straw for commercial and residential landscaping and gardening. Our RSSY Blends (70% hardwood fines and 30% Bloom DC Water’s Class A exceptional biosolids product) is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter as well as nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth.

Call us for pricing and details.
