Mulch to Landscape Your Home or Business

March 8, 2019

We got the Mulch! Double Shredded Commercial Grade Hardwood Mulch creates a smooth, uniform surface that helps it stay in place. Black Hardwood Mulch is a material placed over the soils surface to uphold moisture and improve the condition of soil around the ground, plants, and trees. Red Hardwood Mulch is very popular to landscape your home or business to match the scenic beauty and gives very pleasing, well-groomed appearance. We deliver in bulk or you pick up in our 2 or 3 cubic foot bags.

Compost Nourishes Alexandria, VA Landscapes

July 31, 2014

Compost for Alexandria, VA Gardens

Compost in Alexandria, VA, landscapes adds nutrients and a range of benefits for every tree, shrub, flower and plant you nurture.

All of life is wholly dependent on the nutrients that live in the dirt beneath our feet. Compost is the most complete soil additive, preferred by gardeners, farmers, and homeowners alike.

Applying a 2″-4″ layer of rich RSSY premium compost to Alexandria, VA, flowers, vegetables, herbs and ornamental shrubs assists in the natural filtration and drainage of stormwater, reducing destructive erosion and sediment runoff, and restricting the impact of harmful pollution in local streams, creeks, and rivers.

Most gardens and landscapes contain natural soil that provides a less than healthy environment for many varieties of plants, shrubs, flowers, grasses and trees. While changing the basic texture of your soil is a challenge, you can improve your native soil structure by adding compost to Alexandria, VA, soil as an amendment.  This one step can create more porous clay or more absorbent sand, balancing the soil texture and performance with nutrient-rich compost in Alexandria, VA to support greater garden yields, better soil quality, and healthier, more productive,  pest-resistant plants.

Adding premium RSSY compost to the soil in your yard promotes essential microbial activity in your topsoil to enhance root development, boost garden production, and assist in the vital development of soil texture for optimal water filtration and retention. Our superior quality RSSY compost supports the natural health of your lawn, gardens, trees, shrubs and edible plants.

Come to RSSY for all of your landscape raw materials, including premium compost for Alexandria, VA healthy landscapes.

Mulch Gives Arlington, VA Yards an Inexpensive Boost

July 14, 2014

Freshly Mulched Landscaping in Arlington, VAMulch in Arlington, VA, is one of the most effective and economical ways to increase the health and vitality of your landscape while giving your yard a polished look. With a wealth of positive effects, mulch is one of the best ways to nourish and protect your landscape investment.

An easily overlooked but vital soil amendment, mulch gives Arlington, VA, homeowners a simple way to revitalize their native topsoil. As mulch in Arlington, VA decomposes, it replaces essential nutrients, absorbs vital moisture, and restores a new vitality to your soil, gardens, flowers, shrubs and trees.

Mulch gives your yard a manicured finish while providing important insulation to shallow root systems and providing a resource for insects, birds, and micro-organisms. Applying a 2″-4″ layer of double shredded commercial grade hardwood mulch in Arlington, VA, twice a year conserves and enriches your soil, helping to minimize weed growth, harmful pests, and damaging plant diseases.

Most Arlington homeowners spend hundreds of dollars each year investing in their plants and outdoor landscape. Think of double shredded mulch as an inexpensive insurance policy for your beautiful landscaping. A little mulch gives Arlington, VA yards an inexpensive face-lift. And for the money, there really isn’t any other action you can take to provide such wide-ranging benefits for your Arlington yard.

When you need premium mulch to feed your gardens, flowers, shrubs and trees, find it locally at RSSY. Since 1971, the mulch and landscape experts at RSSY have advised homeowners, construction companies, landscape contractors and property managers about the benefits of proper mulch application. Let us help you feed your yard with commercial grade double shredded hardwood mulch. Your Arlington, VA landscaping will thank you.

Compost in Arlington, VA Adds Vital Soil Properties

June 16, 2014

Garden with RSSY Compost in Arlington VA

Compost in Arlington, VA is the most favored soil additive, especially prized by gardeners with high-yield vegetable and edible garden beds.

Any seasoned landscaper or gardener will tell you the quality of your compost in Arlington, VA is the number one predictor of a successful garden. Since this land has been worked, in one fashion or another, since before establishment of the American colonies, soil amendments such as dense, nutrient-packed compost in Arlington, VA are essential to restoring biological balance and promoting the vitality of your gardens, plants and trees.

While changing the native soil texture is challenging, you can improve soil structure – making dense clay more porous or loose sand more absorbent by adding those soil amendments that alter your particular soil in beneficial ways. A simple layer of RSSY compost blend adds a rich humus that enhances root development for greater plant production and crop yields while promoting essential microbial activity in your topsoil.

At RSSY we carry organic amendments including topsoil, double-shredded mulch, and premium compost for Arlington, VA homeowners, landscape contractors, and builders. Sold in convenient 1.5T Super Sacks or delivered in bulk by the cubic yard, our RSSY superior quality compost is the single best thing you can do to keep your gardens and edible plants healthy and beautiful in Arlington.


Mulch for Annandale, VA Healthy Landscapes

June 2, 2014

Mulch in Annandale, VA is an essential ingredient of your healthy  landscape. Since 1971 the mulch experts at RSSY have advised homeowners, construction companies, landscape contractors and property managers about the benefits of proper mulch application.

When you apply mulch in Annandale, VA it provides insulation and shade for delicate plant root systems, absorbs and stores water helping plants weather times of drought, aids in stormwater management and feeds your soil and vegetation with vital minerals and nutrients.

mulch and sky

Applying a 2” – 4” layer of RSSY double shredded commercial grade hardwood mulch or double shredded pine mulch will help to conserve and enrich your soil, protect plant roots, and retain beneficial moisture while controlling weed growth, pests, and plant diseases.

RSSY Double Shredded Commercial Grade Hardwood Mulch adds a clean, finished surface. Robust, dark and earthy, this mulch releases essential nutrients back to the soil to nourish and protect your landscape. Our RSSY Double Shredded Pine Mulch, with its dense, dark brown color and fresh pine scent, is popular with our clients. Light, stable, and non-colloidal, this mulch sticks to sloping banks and is ideal for shaded landscape beds.


Applied at the beginning of the spring growing season, mulch in Annandale, VA delivers immeasurable benefits to help your plant life thrive. This early application benefits your landscape by providing an insulated layer over the soil that retains heat during early spring cold nights. As the seasons progress mulch continues to regulate soil temperatures in extreme heat while preventing unwanted weeds and helping to manage stormwater runoff during intense storm events.

Dollar for dollar there is no other landscape raw material that delivers the bounty of benefits that you get when you apply mulch in Northern Virginia. See the landscape material experts at RSSY for all of your landscape materials to keep your landscape investment healthy and beautiful.

RSSY Premium Topsoil for Annandale VA Landscape Health

April 30, 2014

Topsoil in Annandale, VA

You can create a truly magnificent landscape with the help of soil amendments. With a supplement of sifted premium RSSY topsoil in Annandale, VA. With life-giving trace minerals and vital nutrients, our premium topsoil, highly concentrated with organic matter and beneficial microorganisms, gives your spring planting season a protective boost.

Topsoil is the upper layer of the Earth’s crust, typically the top 2 to 8 inches. It has the highest concentration of microorganisms and organic matter of any living environment on the planet.  Home to most of the soil’s biological activity, plants place their critical root systems here to obtain most of their water and nutrition. But native topsoil is vulnerable to increasing risk from careless land management practices and excessive erosion during extreme weather events associated with climate change. That’s why periodic amendments of compost, mulch and topsoil in Annandale, VA are so crucial for the healthy maintenance of your landscape investment.

Topsoil in Annandale, VA also aids in the development of soil properties such as moisture, bulk density,  organic matter, texture, water-holding capacity, absorption rates, and microbial biomass. For these and so many important reasons, spring is the time to feed your landscape with quality RSSY landscape materials.

At RSSY we carry sand,  mulch, gravel, stone, compost and topsoil for Annadale, VA land management concerns and landscape improvement projects.  Whenever possible, practices such as supplemental topsoil or organic amendments should be integrated into your seasonal care, especially if you have a heavy planting schedule. From ordinary fill dirt to premium topsoil, mulch and compost blends, we have exactly what your yard needs to thrive.

RSSY has a reputation for quality products, low prices, and fantastic service.  For the ultimate in landscape installation convenience we also offer both bulk delivery and 1.5T RSSY Super Sacks of Bulk Landscape Materials for home delivery.  Make quick work of your landscape care with our custom-blend materials and premium topsoil in Annandale, VA. RSSY provides the finishing touches for optimum plant health and your well-manicured Annandale landscape. Give us a call today.

Mulch in Alexandria, VA – Inexpensive Landscape Benefits

March 31, 2014

Mulch in Alexandria, VA

At this time of year an application of mulch in Alexandria, VA is a simple way to gain a range of inexpensive landscape benefits. Mulch is loaded with vital nutrients your yard needs to sustain fresh, healthy plants. Mulch in Alexandria, VA amends your soil with essential ingredients – vitamins and minerals your landscaping can’t get anywhere else. In this day and age, keeping your soil nourished with rich, loamy topsoil, organic compost and high quality mulch in Alexandria, VA is a minor investment in your  landscape with benefits for your soil, plants and trees.

Adding 2-4″ of high grade mulch in Alexandria, VA atop your existing plantings is a cost-effective method to encourage the health and well-being of your entire landscape. A blanket of fresh mulch in the spring acts as a spongy reservoir, absorbing and retaining water for slow release.  Mulch adds a critical layer in the stormwater filtration system and aids in resisting topsoil erosion.

Properly-placed mulch in Alexandria, VA helps your landscaping achieve a more effective performance, covering delicate plant root systems with a protective barrier against scorching sun, competitive weeds and environmental dangers such as insects, drought, or microscopic predators.

Mulch is an often overlooked but vital soil amendment any Alexandria homeowner can add to their existing topsoil. As mulch in Alexandria, VA decomposes it provides food, moisture and  bedding for insects, plants, and fungi – and restores vitality to the soil. After investing time and money in designing, planting and creating a beautiful, healthy landscape for your home,  regular mulch applications are essential to keeping it properly maintained and looking its best.

Rich, Healthy, Local Compost in Woodbridge, VA

February 15, 2014

Compost Helps Woodbridge, VA Plant Life Grow

Our unique RSSY compost blend is a rich humus designed to enhance root development for greater plant production, heartier growth and larger crop yields. While most compost in Woodbridge, VA enriches your soil and encourages healthier plant growth, only a premium compost blend in Woodbridge, VA can promote essential microbial activity in your topsoil to “pay it forward” in the plant ecosystem just outside your door.

A superior quality compost for your lawn, gardens, and edible plants, we custom-create our rich compost in Woodbridge, VA for optimum ratios of minerals, nutrients, and raw compost materials.  Highly concentrated with organic matter and microorganisms, premium compost in Woodbridge, VA, rich in trace minerals, restores essential nutrients to depleted topsoil to support healthy plant growth and effective land management. Some of its many functions take place in garden beds, flower containers, lush lawns, and sustainable storm water management systems.

Compost in Woodbridge, VA

Adding RSSY custom blend compost in Woodbridge, VA enhances the various types of soil found in your yard, promoting essential microbial activity in your topsoil. This enhances root development and aids in the critical development of soil texture for optimal water filtration and retention. A superior quality compost supports not only the natural health of your lawn, gardens, trees, shrubs and edible plants, but supports the health of your entire ecosystem.

When you think about preparing your yard for the lush summer months to come, think about quality local compost in Woodbridge, VA from RSSY, your local landscape material supplier in Lorton, VA for over 43 years. We have everything you need to create and maintain an exceptionally beautiful landscape from pavers, to compost and mulch, to an amazing variety of natural stone. Stop by and see what RSSY can do for your landscape.

The Many Benefits of Mulch in Lorton, VA

January 31, 2014

mulch landscape 3

Mulch in Lorton, VA is a landscape essential, especially during a drought. Studies from the U.S. Department of Agriculture have shown striking benefits from the application of mulch. Mulch is one of a homeowner’s most valuable landscape resources and, according to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Connecticut, an essential component of low-maintenance landscapes.

The benefits of mulch in Lorton, VA are often overlooked. But the following list enumerates just how many positive functions mulch serves in your landscape.

  • Mulch shields your soil from the damaging effects of the sun’s drying rays, reducing water loss through the process of evaporation.
  • Mulch serves as a blanket in the cold of winter and provides shade to cool the soil in the burning heat of summer, dampening the impact of temperature fluctuations on fragile plant roots.
  • Organic mulch added to your soil breaks down to improve the ability of the soil to absorb and store nutrients, retain moisture, and filter stormwater via proper drainage.
  • Mulch promotes the activity of beneficial soil organisms, which in turn accelerates microbial decomposition that creates rich humus that promotes plant growth.
  • Mulch acts as a suppressant for the proliferation of plant diseases and the growth of weeds.
  • Land that is regularly mulched as a standard seasonal practice is less prone to erosion.
  • Mulch is a beautiful, decorative finish in any landscape.

The benefits of mulch in Lorton, VA are vital for healthy plant growth and sustainable land management practices, your yard included. So stop by RSSY to learn more about the many positive functions mulch serves in your landscape, and to get the organic mulch you need to keep your yard healthy.

The Magic of Stepping Stones in Lorton, VA

January 17, 2014

stepping stones through beach pebbles

Whether invisibly tethered across a babbling brook or dancing through a rocky field, stepping stones in Lorton, VA define our experience as much as they do a magical pathway or a special destination.

Raw landscaping materials from gravel to river rock, flagstone to concrete, make gorgeous and practical garden pathways to take you where you want to go across your landscape. The magic of stepping stones in Lorton, VA always beckons.

Imagine a meandering bed of Chesapeake Wash Gravel, topped by a chain of smooth chocolate-gray Maple Creek  round edge stepping  stones. Fantastic to the eye, fundamental to the natural filtration of rainwater, and a gorgeous accent to your well-appointed landscape.

Larger stepping stones can also blanket thick grass to pave a casual, comfortable walkway through your yard to the garage, patio, or pool. Plus, laying a walkway of high-caliber flagstone stepping-stones in Lorton, VA is a simple, upscale  DIY weekend project anyone can tackle.

Selecting a different type of stone can completely alter the look and feel of your walkways and  landscape. Irregular Flagstone sections are light-colored and large, very patio-like; while Mojave Flagstone is alive with orange and rust, splashing across the horizon. stepping stone flagstone garden path

More substantial stones, such as Midnight Blue Thick, Fieldstone Steppers, and Hoopers Creek Thick can cover a wide area, coordinate with thinner varieties within your landscape design, and span your entire property, acting as decorative accent, extraordinary functional elements, and a long-lasting landscape aesthetic for the ages.

Gravel, the trusted foundation to every landscape project ever undertaken, is an extremely versatile material available in plentiful colors and sizes.  Consider gravel and its silent companion, sand, to reduce water-dependent ground covers and lawns, improve rainwater filtration, and move toward a more sustainable landscape environment.

Stop by RSSY and discover everything you need to create all the magic of stepping stones in Lorton, VA.
